3DProfiler Series

Non-contact Sensor Products Series

● Three types of non-contact sensors available, or ① 3D-scanner series for production inline-application, ② in-line handling type 3-Deye camera for shape recognition, and ③TC type seam sensor for external & internal pipe. ● Each of them plays outstanding performances as a sensor either for production inline-testing, robot-handling in the production line, or prevention of un-evened production quality whichever comes to its professional application.

3D Profiler Series

●A 3D digital camera is mounted atop of the orthogonal robot for executing non-contact 3D “patch-wise” profiling. ●Upon setting of a testing specimen on the profiler table, the profiler travels for automatic tracing to find general shape of the specimen, and then followed automatically by high-density point-cloud oriented profiling. ● The CAD data and the measured point-cloud data are processed for automatic comparison to execute error analysis for accuracy indicated by color-mapping or profile lines. ●Profiled point-cloud data are converted to the area data in CAD data format.

Pipe/3D Profiler Series

●Two products are available in the 「Forma Series」 for production-line application, with the manual operation type 「Cloudforma」 that suites best for pipe-/-parts profiling, and the other automatic 「Dualforma」 that suites best for medium-sized pipe and parts. ●The functions include data-comparison of CAD and/or tolerance vs the tested figures, judgment of acceptance, edit and printing of the tested data ● The error data between the tested data and standard bending data are extracted to be transferred automatically to the production machine.